About us

Why we love what we do and what makes us unique.

About us

Why we love what we do and what makes us unique.

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Who is The Credit Collections Company?

The Credit Collections Company was the brainchild of Sheila Chadha back in Sept 2018. After having worked in the Corporate world for over 25+ years, she realised there was a gap in the market for businesses with small debts, but also owners’ lack of understanding about what a credit manager can do for their business.

SME owners with small debts usually didn’t have anyone to turn to, and typically, these debts would be written off. For a large Corporation or even a medium-sized business, they might be able to afford to write such debts off, but many businesses face financial ruin through a poor understanding of credit management, and when things do go wrong, there was no legal help in terms of recovering unpaid invoices that made financial sense. Enter The Credit Collections Company.

Not only do we offer a no-win, no-fee service for any size of debt, but we also offer cost-effective solutions. Some are aimed at micro-sized businesses but can be scaled and used by Corporations too.

Credit Management should be accessible to all.

A credit manager doesn’t have to be expensive, especially when it could save your business hundreds if not thousands of pounds in the long term.

Turn your Debits into Credits!

Strategic Thinking

We not only fix the problems but have a proven process of establishing the procedures for a healthier and viable credit management plan, and putting these into practice. We make sure the credit strategy fits the business strategy and can be implemented by the various departments.

Customer Centric

We have our business hat on while looking after your debs and treat your valued customers with respect. You can maintain the relationship with your clients while we make sure that your cash flow is not put at risk by late-paying customers.

Flexible Approach

We can be involved as little or as much as needed by you. We act as consultants for some clients, putting processes in place which are then implemented by your team. In other cases, we become the credit management department of the company. 

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